O ddydd Llun 19 Chwefror, bydd gan y Swyddfa Docynnau yn Theatr y Colisëwm oriau agor newydd - bydd modd i bobl alw heibio bob dydd Mawrth rhwng 11am a 2pm.

Bydd llinell archebu'r Swyddfa Docynnau ar agor rhwng 2pm a 5pm, dydd Mawrth i ddydd Gwener, ar gyfer cwsmeriaid sydd heb fynediad i'r rhyngrwyd neu sy'n dymuno siarad ag aelod o garfan y Swyddfa Docynnau.

Defnyddiwch wefan rct-theatres.co.uk i brynu tocynnau lle bo modd.


Cysylltu â ni

Swyddfa Docynnau 03000 040 444



Wow, here's a 5 Star Review by Wales Online

19 Rhagfyr 2016
Wow, here's a 5 Star Review by Wales Online

Review by David Owens, Wales Online 16 December 2016

RCT Theatres' Dick Whittington is a perfect pantomime paved with gold
See the production at the ParK & Dare this week

 It’s that time of year. Oh yes it is!

Panto season is upon us and the rest of the year is behind you.

Luckily for those of us who love the sorts of all-singing, all-dancing, rip-roaring fun, that pantomime brings, RCT Theatres’ latest offering Dick Whittington ticks every box and some seemingly yet to be discovered.

In fact, there is so much going on this brilliant production that you half expect a stray kitchen sink to be randomly thrown into the mix.

Starring Stella’s Di Botcher as Fairy Aunty Bow Bells, playwright and expert panto dame Frank Vickery as Sarah The Cook, and veteran valleys’ entertainer Johnny Tudor playing Alderman Fitzwarren, the expectation levels were high before a boo or a hiss had been dispatched in anger as the story of our eponymous hero and his quest to make his fortune in London unfolded before our eyes.

Aided by his trusty sidekick - Tommy The Cat, Dick may have quickly discovered that the streets were not paved with gold, but it’s fitting that a story about a man who heads to London to seek his fortune, glitters and sparkles like a precious gem.

While big city pantos may be awash with special effects and the highest of production values, it’s the quality of the script and the sheer brilliance of the performers that raise this production above the level of exceptional.

Much of this is down to the expert, guiding hand of writer and director Richard Tunley, a man who has considerable expertise in serving up comedic treats thanks to his extensive work with the esteemable Black Rat Productions.

This hilarious production never lets up as the action moves along at a whipcracking pace with plenty of dazzling songs, impressive choreography - especially from the young performers of the RCT TakepART scheme - and comedic slapstick aplenty.

In the hands of Botcher, Tudor and Vickery - who has more extravagant costume changes than Shirley Bassey, (if Bassey was fond of eye-popping psychedelic creations that is), the impressive script is comedy gold, while Ryan Owen as Tommy The Cat is a purr-fectly wonderful mixture of hyperactive joy and kinetic energy. His starring role in delivering the funniest rendition of 12 Days Of Christmas you will ever witness, has to be seen to be believed.

Lee Gilbert as King Rat, the villain of the piece out to thwart Dick Whittington’s ambitions of becoming Mayor Of London - ably abetted by his snidey sidekicks, excellent ensemble players Jennifer Ruth-Adams and Andrew Phillips - is a dastardly hybrid of the best panto villains of yore,
Ryan Owen as Tommy the Cat and Maxwell James as Dick Whittington

Meanwhile, dashing Dick Whittington - played with chivalrous apomb by Maxwell James and the elegant Joanna Lucas - as Alice Fitzwarren, are the star-crossed lovers who turn adversity into happy-ever-after.

So to sum up. I urge you to go see.

You can thank me later. Oh yes you can. (Sorry).

Dick Whittington is at The ParK & Dare Theatre, Treorchy from December 18-24. Performance times vary.

Tickets priced adults £15; Concessions £12; Family Ticket £48; School Groups £7 are available from the Box Office on 08000 147 111 or via www.rct-arts.co.uk


i Theatrau RhCT
to RCT Theatres

3D 3D

Wrth wylio ffilm mewn 3D, rydych chi'n teimlo'n rhan o'r ffilm.  Mae delweddau o safon anhygoel - clir, llachar a realistig a sain o'ch cwmpas chi yn dod â'r stori yn fyw.  Dydych chi ddim yn profi'r adloniant yn unig; rydych chi tu mewn i'r adloniant.

AD Disgrifiad Sain

Sylwebaeth fyw wedi'i chydblethu â deialog yr actorion ydy disgrifiad sain. Caiff y sylwebaeth ei throsglwyddo drwy benset sy'n gysylltiedig â'r system sain is-goch. Bydd sesiwn fer 'nodiadau'r rhaglen' yn cael ei chynnal cyn y cynhyrchiad, sy'n esbonio'r awyrgylch, gwisgoedd, cymeriadau a'r antur.

BSL Iaith Arwyddion Prydain

Mae perfformiadau iaith arwyddion yn berffaith i'r rhai sy'n defnyddio'r iaith. Fel arfer, mae arwyddwyr sydd wedi derbyn hyfforddiant Iaith Arwyddion Prydain ('BSL') yn sefyll ar un ochr y llwyfan ac yn dehongli'r sgript sydd gan y perfformwyr ar yr un pryd ag y mae'n cael ei pherfformio.

R Dangosiad Sinema/Perfformiad Hamddenol

Mae'r dangosiad sinema/perfformiad yma ar gael i bawb. Serch hynny, fe fydd fwyaf addas ar gyfer y sawl a fydd yn elwa ar amgylchedd sy'n fwy hamddenol oherwydd bod ganddo/ganddi Anhwylder Sbectrwm Awtistiaeth neu anabledd dysgu, neu oherwydd ei fod neu ei bod yn teimlo'n bryderus am y tywyllwch, synau uchel neu leoedd cyfyng.

Mae Dangosiad Sinema/Perfformiad Hamddenol yn cynnig amgylchedd hamddenol, ble mae elfennau ohono yn cael eu haddasu er mwyn lleihau pryder neu straen. Caiff lefelau sain a golau eu haddasu er mwyn lleihau'r effaith. Does dim ots os oes llawer o sŵn a chaiff unrhyw un adael yr awditoriwm yn ystod y dangosiad sinema/perfformiad.

Mae mannau 'ymlacio' penodol yn cael eu paratoi y tu allan i'r awditoriwm gyda gweithgareddau i'w gwneud os ydyn nhw'n cael digon ar fod yn yr awditoriwm.

T Taith Gyffwrdd

Mae 'Taith Gyffwrdd' ar gyfer unigolion sy'n ddall neu sydd â nam ar eu golwg er mwyn iddyn nhw ddod yn gyfarwydd â'r set cyn y perfformiad.

C Ffilm/Perfformiad â Chapsiynau

Mae capsiynau’n dangos deialog ar y sgrin (tebyg i is-deitlau) a hefyd yn disgrifio sŵn/sain y ffilm/perfformiad. Mae hyn yn rhoi cyfle i aelodau’r gynulleidfa sy’n Fyddar/fyddar neu’n drwm eu clyw ddilyn y sgript a'r hyn sy'n digwydd yn y ffilm/perfformiad ar yr un pryd.

Ar gyfer perfformiadau byw, mae'r sgrin ar ochr y llwyfan.